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Things To Know Before Building Website For Your Business

Things To Know Before Building Website For Your Business
25 Sep

Things To Know Before Building Website For Your Business

Important Things To Know Before Building Your Website


Firstly, we want to give you a big shoutout. Landing on this page indicates that you\'ve made the choice to proceed with creating a website for your business or an app or software for your business

Define your Website Purpose

  1.  First and foremost on the journey to have a website or an app for your business is you need to have a clear goal of your website. 
  2. Should you have a static website or dynamic website? And it totally depends on your business domain.
  3. Defining what type of website your business needs. Following are some types: Informational, Brand promotional, E-commerce, User Engagement(Social Media), Service Providing, Lead Generation, Portfolio showcase, Community building, etc.

Identify your Users

Determining the target audience for your website is crucial. Are these individuals your employees, or are they your customers? This decision will entirely shape the features and content that your business website will encompass. For example, if your website caters to an educational platform, the primary users could be students, teachers, or individuals in search of learning resources, alongside administrative personnel


Structure of your website

Designing the structure of a website involves organizing its pages and features in a way that is user-friendly and aligned with its goals.


Secure your Domain

Your URL/Domain acts as the address for your website on the internet. It is important that it is memorable, concise, and easily pronounceable. It is important to note that URLs do not distinguish between capitalization. Once a suitable URL has been selected, it is crucial to promptly acquire the domain name.


Prepare your content

Once you have checklisted all the above points, now comes the main goal that is what content you want to display for your user, and let us assure you priorily this task is the most time consuming and challenging. But worry not! We at Bonum eDesigns excel in the preparation and customization of content for your enterprise, ensuring it is in harmony with your business objectives and significantly boosts engagement on your website.


In Addition to the above points, We would like to offer one crucial piece of advice for you to contemplate prior to embarking on your website development process.




Overuse of animations can slow down your website\\\\\\\'s loading time, negatively impacting user experience and performance metrics. Additionally, search engines like Google favor websites with minimal animations for easier indexing. We ensure that your website’s design is both visually appealing and optimized for performance.

At Bonum eDesigns, we are committed to delivering a website that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. Let us help you turn your vision into a functional, effective, and engaging online presence. Please feel to write to us info@bonum.in